
Flow fit 101

This introductory FlowFit program is designed similarly to the original, as a “No to Low” intensity workout. The unique versatility of FlowFit is that it can be used as a standalone program, a rehabilitative tool, dynamic warm-up/cool down for other training, and a restorative practice on recovery days. By adhering to a “No to Low” intensity design, you do not run a high risk of over-training and, therefore, these Flows can be incorporated into your practice in a myriad of ways.

If you are solely focused on Flow, we suggest working on 1 flow for 4 days in a row before moving to another flow. If you typically engage in another classic TACFIT protocol (clubbell, kettlebell, etc., or a weight lifting, jiu-jitsu program), we recommend adding FlowFit 101 into your 1-2 days of intentional recovery each week.

By using the above-mentioned “No to Low” intensity recommendations for joint mobility and compensation, you’re creating much greater movement while repairing soft tissue before engaging in Moderate to High days of the other activity.

Remember, at any time if you feel abnormally tired from your weekly regimen, use that as a great piece of biofeedback from your body. Taking a “No Intensity” day of simply performing joint mobility will prove to be a very beneficial restorative.


1. Use the Instructional Videos to rehearse your technique and become familiar with each of the eight Flows.

2. Program your training as needed. a. Beginners are encouraged to practice one Flow per week (multiple times if desired) before progressing on to the next Flow, allowing a minimum of eight weeks to complete the program. This will ensure greater skill retention and long-term movement efficiency. b. More advanced practitioners experienced with Flow may choose to practice one new Flow each day, progressing through each of the eight Flows, and cycle accordingly.

3. The Follow-Along Videos are intended as a Supplemental Guide when you are ready to perform the Flows as they are outlined. Please note the Follow-Along videos repeat for 3x rounds, so replay as needed. Whatever you do, please follow at your own comfortable pace. Allow the cadence of your breath to dictate your pace, learning to slow down your breathing and synchronize it with your movement, letting the movement “breathe” for you.

4. We recommend 8 minutes minimum to experience the increased dopamine pathways and “second wind” experience of Flow. We suggest a maximum of 20 minutes maximum in each Flow per session to maintain movement quality and promote the restoration rather than break down of soft tissues. Enjoy!


Download the “TACFIT Timer” on your app store. This timer has all the different timing protocols found in all TACFIT programs. While you have no specific timing protocol to follow in FlowFit 101 (you practice at your own pace), we recommend keeping track either using the For Time feature (you just set it and it allows for 20 minutes in your protocol). We also recommend another option, the 90/30 setting, wherein you practice 1 or 2 specific moves for 90 seconds, and then take 30 seconds to recover. You can greatly benefit from this resource as it will be your virtual training partner, keeping track of time (even rounds if you wish) so you can focus on your training.


Please remember to always perform at least 10 to 15 minutes of a Warm-up and Cool down before any physical training. This is essential to your best fitness. We have included a full-length Closed Chain Mobility Warm-up and a targeted Cool down video for your convenience. Please feel free to add in additional components as needed.

You can practice the entire Closed Chain Mobility Warm-up as it is presented or, once you are familiar with the drills, you can practice them “intuitively,” focusing on the key elements you feel your body needs more of from day to day. Please do not skip the warm-up and cool down altogether. You can also use the Warm-up (and the Cool down) as a primer (and compensation) for other training you may be doing.