Medicine Ball 101 is a fitness program created for Medicine ball training to drive adaptation and challenge the body. When used correctly this tool can help you strengthen your core, develop rotational power and boost athletic performance.
This program is an introduction on how to train with the Medicine Ball using TACFIT principles. You will learn functional exercises, workouts, and training protocols that engage major muscle groups- legs, glutes, chest, back, and shoulders while developing core strength. You’ll also work on simple movement patterns that are essential for everyday activities such as squats, lunges, hinge, push, pull, rotate, and more.
Many Med Ball exercises are complementary and serve as bridging tools between sports skill and strength training. Unfortunately, nearly all of the training we see on the Internet and Social Media is junk fitness and busy work.
Med-ball training is about purpose and transfer- not just mindless lifting or tossing. In this program we go over 10 specific exercises that target core strength and athletic performance. By learning these exercises and how to perform them with proper technique you will develop a bulletproof core, enhance body awareness, and explosive power and speed.
Once you’ve finished the program, you’ll be able to incorporate the workouts into your fitness routine to maximize your performance.
To help you get started, we’ve created a 14-day training protocol that you can incorporate into your workout routine which can be customized and used year-round. It can also be used as an alternative for warm-ups and on “active” recovery days.
How to start?
1. Study the list of drills.
2. Watch and listen to the coaching cues on proper form in the instructional videos.
3. Practice your technique with each drill to become familiar before your 1st workout.
4. Start your first week of training protocol.
1. Med Ball Catch to Squat
2. High Hinge Slam
3. Rotational Slam
4. Gable Grip Front Lunge
5. Lateral Extension with the Med Ball
6. Med Ball Slam
7. Med Ball Shoulder Bridge reach
8. Med Ball Push up Knee to chest
9. Med Ball Knee
10.Loaded Catapult Lunge
These are the only drills that will be used for your Medicine Ball 101 training.